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Feb 26, 2021

Important News for March: Possible Hiatusi?

 Hey everyone! I just want to let you know that March is going to be a bit rocky for me.

  1. My dad will be visiting March 2nd - March 16th. It turns out he exercises at the same time I write (happy coincidence), so it's possible this will actually motivate me to write more consistently.

  2. I've been officially called in for jury duty. It could potentially last as long as the entire time my dad is visiting. 

  3. There's a competition in March in one of the writing groups I'm a part of. It's a small group, so the prize is just some free art. I still want to give it a try though to see how well I do.

  4. There's a call for submissions that I'm obligated to send in a story for. Nothing might come of it, but I at least need to fulfill my part of things.

  5. Quite frankly, I'm nearing burn-out. It's my own fault for not sticking to a limited number of slots. If the competition and call for submission aren't enough to reset my headspace, then I'll need time to focus on a personal project or two. Yes, it's needed. The last time I went full burn-out, it was a few years before I worked on a commission, and I'd like to avoid that.

I fully intend to get back to commissions by the first week of April. I'll be certain to let everyone know if this changes. Thank you so much for your patience and understanding as I work through this.

1 comment:

  1. Knock em, Fel. Ultimately, I'm sure the commissioners want a Strong Fel and not a burnt one working on the stories. More importantly, the community wants a Fel .. period. Losing a month to recharge is far more acceptable than losing you permanently. Do what you need to, and come back better for it. Let the coming of Spring inspire you if nothing else.


Professional and Personal Updates - June

 I know this is a long time coming, so thank you everyone for all your patience. Professional updates will be up top while Personal Updates ...